Monday 24 February 2014

Eight rules for a successful shopping trip.

It's no secret that we women like to buy shiny new things from time to time but for the inexperienced, shopping can be a harrowing task. Getting excited about a pair of pants you saw in Grazia and then finally trying them on to find that they make your arse put Kim K's to shame, or give you toe of the camel variety, can be likened to going on a first date with a hot guy you have only seen a picture of and discover they are only 5ft 3.

So here are some rules I try to abide by to make the whole ordeal more palatable.

1. Always do your hair and make-up before heading out. Now I'm not saying get a curly blow and glue your falsies on, that would be ridiculous, but at least look half decent. Mirrors are bloody everywhere in shops and we can often look past how nice an outfit is when the face staring back at you in the mirror looks like it belongs under a rock.

2. If you're having a fat day it's not the time to see if you could pull of leather pants. In fact give anything that isn't a smock a wide berth and go straight in for the shoes. In the words of Toni Collette "shoes always fit". Profound.

3. When purchasing something practical, it is absolutely essential that you also buy something pretty. The universe is all about balance and who are we to go against the universe? For example today I had to buy a new pair of trainers and may have fell into Zara on the way home, where I was greeted by a lone pair of black suede heeled sandals, in my size, of the same numerical value as the trainers and with a fit so sublime it was as though they were moulded with my foot in mind. It just wasn't right to leave them bereft on the shelf.

4. If you are shopping for something specific try to actually purchase that item. That bejeweled hairband may well be lovely but once the shiny new purchase euphoria has worn off you'll be fuming that you still don't have anything to put on your feet that evening. Hang your sparkly head in shame.

5. Don't imagine up an exact outfit and expect it to magically manifest itself on the rails in Topshop. It only exists in your head. Instead have a vague idea of a look you're going for, that way you'll have far more options and won't be throwing a tantrum when you haven't managed to come across the long sleeved, backless, powder blue maxi dress with the low back, lace trim and intricate stitch detail you had your little heart set on.

6. Take coffee breaks regularly. Sorry did I say coffee? I obviously meant wine. Some of my favourite items have been bought whilst slightly inebriated. A general rule of thumb is one glass to every four shops braved. And yes I do count the pit stop into Boots for some green Extra (why would you get blue?) in my shop count.

7. As much as I love shopping I am also rather impatient and do approach it like a woman on a mission. This is where my sixth sense kicks in. Some people can read minds, some can read the future but I have learnt to read shops. I scan the layout, get a feel for the surroundings and instinctively decide whether its worth me scrambling through the rails or not. Try and fine tune this skill, it will save you lots of time and stress. But until you do I basically mean if it's messy or crowded swerve it.

8. Don't shop with too many people. Everyone has different opinions on what they like, it's good to get a different perspective but if you want the weird pants you buy the weird pants! Plus there is that awful moment that you and another friend pick up the same dress and both want it. Then comes the polite "no honestly, you get it" even though secretly they want to dropkick each other in the face, forcing the rest of the group to pick sides. It's just a nightmare for all involved.

It's serious business this shopping malarkey. Whoever coined the term "retail therapy" needs therapy.

Friday 7 February 2014

10 Valentine's day gifts that won't make you vomit

With just a week to go until St Valentine's day descends many of you people will be flapping about what to buy your other half . Too over the top and you risk them running a mile but too insignificant and they may stick pins in a little voodoo you. Play it safe and go for the comedy gift. Unless they're expecting a proposal or something equally as epic. Then you're screwed.

Anyway here are some gifts that I have come across, there should be something for every relationship...

For the truly heartless

There is only one thing worse than getting your other half nothing for Valentines day, actually buying them nothing. In effect you are going out of your way to build up someones hope and watch their dreams shatter as they unwrap the gift and realise what they have been given. By all means give it a go though, someone may appreciate the joke...

For the man who takes care of his member

Since they treasure them so much it is only right that they should want to keep them pristine. This kit comes complete with a fluffing brush, grooming scissors, sprucing mirror and even a little necklace to adorn it with once it's ready to hit the town. 

Note that this product is meant to make you feel more confident about your John Thomas, I couldn't help but feel sorry for this poor guy on Amazon:

"Great product but had to have some of the links removed on bracelet. mirror could benefit from more magnification.. "


 For your man-child
 It's a well known fact that boys like to put their penis in things. Buy your guy this and let him have hours of fun making his little mister replace things such as a hotdog and sea serpent...


Just make sure you don't buy it used...

For OCD ladies

This handy little soap has a side for your face and a side for your intimate area. Never will you rub your fanny on your face again.

For some bath-time music

Rubber ducks in general are a bit shit, but not this duck. This is the iDuck and I want to take a bath with it right now. If only I bloody had one. The iDuck is a wireless floating speaker with a receiver that you connect your iPhone/iPod to. So whether you're bathing solo or getting down to some underwater loving, think of how much better it would be with this duck floating around emitting it's musical love.

For Chocolate lovers

What is better than a willy? A CHOCOLATE willy. And not just any chocolate willy. You use the mould to make a cast of your favourite willy, with the permission of the owner of said willy of course. Lets say willy again for good measure. Willy.


For the dominatrix

Ok, so it's not exactly 50 Shades of Grey territory but be the master and make your man eat out of this 'MAN' dish like a dog. Plus he'll love it because it fits loads of cereal. Just don your stilettos and make sure he licks the bowl clean.


For the safety conscious

STI's are no laughing matter, and neither is losing important files. WRAP UP and BACK UP. Enforce the idea of safety first with this handy little condom wrapper USB memory drive. Fits nicely in your wallet too, just don't get it mixed up when you're drunk...


For your mysterious girl

 Hopefully you will be doing the deed with a sensible and respectable man who carries his own protection but in this day and age it's just good sense to carry your own. You don't just want them just knocking around at the bottom of your handbag however, we ladies have class. Use this compact mirror with its concealed compartment to house your protection. It's the James Bond of rubber sheath holders.


For every man alive

If you really love the man in your life and are feeling flush, I can't think of a better way to show him than by buying him his own beer dispenser. Seriously, swan in with this and you'll get away with anything for the next few months. "Sorry, I didn't quite catch that, how much were what shoes? I'll be in now, let me just pour you a pint and serve it to you in my lingerie then we can talk about it...". Never mentioned again.


And if you hadn't decided on a Valentines card yet check out these beauties.

Thursday 6 February 2014

8 beauty trends I wish would die

Have you ever wondered why certain beauty trends catch on when they definitely should never have come to fruition in the first place?

Surely the primary objective when it comes to your beauty regime is to look like a more groomed and glowing version of yourself. If you start out the process looking like a half decent human being and then resemble a Picasso when you're about to leave the house then your regime needs a serious once-over.
Here are some trends I wish would go the way of the dinosaur.

Power Brows

The first one I feel I must address, as my people are responsible for it and it in turn was the inspiration for this blog, is the infamous 'scouse brow'. Now I am all for a strong, structured brow a la Delvigne, but you need to seriously reassess your mental state if you consider permanent marker brows attractive.

Put the Sharpie down, take a deep breath and walk away.

Bad lashes

No I'm not referring to the the awfully named X Factor rejects, I'm talking about bad false lashes. If you're going to resort to sticking fake bits of hair to your eyes at least do it properly.

When a royal starts to resemble a cast member of The Only Way is Essex you know it's gone too far. What would your Gran say Beatrice?

Ludicrously big hair

As someone with quite a mop of long, naturally straight hair I understand the perils of trying to keep your wig voluminous, the sheer weight alone drags out any kind of style or body. But a little bit of backcombing at the roots and some gentle curling is all anyone needs. Your barnet is not supposed to be rivaling the Eiffel tower.

N.B. Two seconds after this picture was taken a pigeon flew out.

The not-so-subtle art of contouring

Ever since Kim 'Kontour' Kardashian started raving about how she achieves her plastic look (yeah it's just make-up, honestly...) every Tom, Dick and Harriet has been drawing straight lines all over their faces. The idea is to use shading and highlighting to enhance your natural contours. Note the word natural. A stripe of unblended bronzer where a cheekbone should be does not give the illusion of said cheekbone.

Say it with me Lindsay, A line does not a cheekbone make.

Satsuma skin

I've always thought the idea of fake tan was to look as though you've been chilling in the Caribbean for the last two weeks, but it would appear I am mistaken. Oh and don't bother blending your face to your body either...

Unless you've been on holiday to the sun wearing a onesie, no ones buying it love. You look like you've dipped your face in a bowl of wotsits.

Hair extensions

They were ludicrous enough when they first came about but I thought they would have died a death long ago. How wrong I was. I can understand people clipping them in for some extra body if needs must, but for length? What is so wrong with shorter hair? And correct me if I'm labouring under a misapprehension but I was under the impression that hair grows. Yes the results aren't quite as instantaneous but persevere my dears.

There is no bigger turn off than when a guy (or girl, I don't discriminate) seductively runs his hands through your hair only for his hand to get stuck/accidentally yank out your stennys. Not only will it ruin the moment, the pain you will encounter may reflexively make you knee him in the groin. Not generally the foundation of epic romance.

In conclusion; if you absolutely must extend put the glue down and just use clip ins.

Shadow fails

Eyeshadow is about contouring the eyes and enhancing their natural beauty. The keyword when it comes to eyeshadow is blending. If you can't master this, then you should leave well alone. A general rule of thumb is that if you looked better before then you probably shouldn't wear it. It's not rocket science.

Tyra looks like she's just put her hands in the fireplace and sweeped her fingers across her eyelids. It's that bad she can't even smize.

Overzealous application of black shadow will never work. There is a reason Eye of the Panda would never have made it to number 1.

Over-lining the lips

Yes, we'd all probably like slightly juicier lips and a Julia Roberts smile but for the same reason that collagen looks ridiculous if your pout is naturally small, so does drawing a line a centimetre outside of your natural lipline. It's totally disproportionate to your face. Plus we can see your actual mouth in the middle of your drawn on lips, you aren't fooling anyone.

Embrace your rosebud lips. It's either that or look like you've been punched in the mouth, the choice is yours...

Right then, I've said my piece. If you are guilty of any of these crimes against beauty take a long hard look at yourself and stop offending our eyes.

Or you could just combine them all and look like this

No-one's laughing now.