Tuesday 7 January 2014

Ode to a broken nail

A broken nail is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but if you have ever taken the monumental step to grow your own nails and tenderly care for them until one by one (after much filing and buffing) they all reach the desired length, you will have endured that cruel moment when one of the nails you have so lovingly cared for breaks. That one failing, a blemish on an otherwise perfect landscape. 

I was grieving such a loss today so have coined a little poem in its honour.

Each nail was healthy, full of strength,
I'd filed them to the perfect length.
On the gloss my eyes would linger,
an elegant end to each finger
But I'd seen it coming, seen the tear,
and what was next I couldn't bear.
A manicure of such beauty,
cut down in its revelry.
The index nail had met its fate
and talk of growth did not placate.
The tip had torn for all to see,
its coveted curve just a memory.
Lost as to which way to go,
file them down or let them grow?
We'd lost a member of our team,
A broken nail, a broken dream.

Fingers (and subsequently nails) crossed, in two weeks said nail will be standing as tall as its sisters without any other snappages along the way. Otherwise I give up.