Tuesday 3 July 2012

Beyond the brow

Hello beautiful people. I've been meaning to get this bad boy up and running for a good while now but thanks to a rather extended bout of procrastination I am only now, four months after it's conception, posting my first blog. At 9.30 on a Tuesday night. 

Anyhow, my initial motivation for starting this blog was my annoyance at the portrayal of a scouser's beauty regime/habits on Desperate Scousewives. I was living in London at the time and had spent four years attempting to persuade everyone down south that there is a contingent of fairly normal girls that inhabit Liverpool (and I actually think they were starting to believe me), but one episode of Desperate Scousewives in I found myself right back at square one trying to defend those of us who don't roll around in ronseal and attach dead moths to our eyes before a night out. Believe it or not most of us are aware that eyebrows that look like they've been drawn on by a child let loose with a sharpie pen are not so attractive.

When thinking of a title for the blog therefore, I came up with beyond the brow. Clever eh? Would have been better if beyondthebrow hadn't been taken forcing me to use text speak (I'm pretty sure my dislike of text speak will become apparent) and call it byondthebrow.

Now that I've finally bitten the bullet I intend to bring you various news from the world of beauty and share with you my knowledge and opinions (I fear it will be more of the latter) on various pretty things. There may also be the odd rant/musing/anecdote but I will endeavour to make sure they are vaguely relevant...